What is a Podiatrist?
Podiatrist VS Chiropodist
We often get asked “what is a podiatrist and what is the difference between a podiatrist and a chiropodist?”
In essence, there isn’t a huge difference! As a profession we are trying to phase out the term chiropodist: as such, we have used the term podiatrist on our website.
About 20 years ago, the qualification for then chiropodists changed. This was to bring a more universal title worldwide. After this change, the qualification became a degree level. As such, anyone who wanted to use this title needed to do a three-year degree: the scope of practice became much wider, requiring a far more extensive knowledge and understanding of pharmacology, anatomy and physiology and administration of local anaesthetic. Anyone who had qualified prior to this change could convert to the new qualification; anyone who chose not to was no longer able to use the title chiropodist or podiatrist.
Our Registration
All practising podiatrists must be registered with the HCPC (our governing body). This ensures the registrants are practising within their scope of practice, keeping up to date with research-led treatments. Every two years, a random audit is carried out to ensure the registrants are meeting expectations of them.
Our Podiatrists are registered with HCPC. Louise successfully completed her audit in 2018.

Our Story
Thatcham House is set in the picturesque surroundings of West Berkshire, near to local bus routes for Thatcham and Newbury….

Conditions and Treatments

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If you would like to book an appointment of wish to discuss this treatment further please contact us.
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